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Cash Projections are Overrated

Here is my thesis: Cash Projections are overrated and often a waste of time. I know that sounds like heresy coming from a CFO, but let me make my argument. Cash is Important First, cash is important to a business, of course it is. In fact, cash is to a business as blood is to […]

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Long-Term Clients

One of the most satisfying things about my consulting practice is the effectiveness of working with clients for a period of five years or more. I’ve got a number of clients I’ve worked with over five years, some over ten years. In the case of these long-term clients, we’ve been able to achieve much. That’s […]

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If Government Just Worked

Many businesspeople love to complain about government, about how high costs are, how government is slow and inefficient, how government impairs the free market. You know the refrain. I feel a bit different. I’ve had my frustrations with government as we all have. But government has its place. There need to be laws and rules […]

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Happy New Year? The Bell’s Palsy Story

I entered 2022 with great hope that this year would be an improvement over the past two Covid-riddled years. Business was exceptionally good for me in late 2021, despite the Covid challenges, and I still haven’t caught Covid, although this damn Omicron seems like it is going to find us all eventually. But sometimes life […]

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Book Review: Double Entry

Double Entry refers to the bookkeeping system which uses a self-balancing set of accounts, where every entry is double-sided, a debit and a credit. Author Jane Gleeson-White subtitled her book, How the Merchants of Venice Created Modern Finance. The book starts with a speech by Bobby Kennedy decrying the things that Gross National Product does […]

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What I Do, Part 3

Four weeks ago, my blog was about What I Do. That resulted in a follow up with more detail on the topic of coaching upcoming executives. This is the second follow up on What I Do, this blog on my involvement with acquisitions and sales of businesses. Let’s first talk about acquisitions. Sometimes existing clients […]

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What I Do, Part 2

My last blog was titled, “What I Do.” I got a lot of comments and several people asked me to elaborate on some of the points. One of the things I mentioned that I do, is CEO Coaching. Don’t confuse this with joining a CEO Peer Group with a facilitator, which I often recommend because […]

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What I Do

I have been a consultant CFO for longer than any W-2 job I ever had, and I only wish I had started my practice sooner.  I enjoy working with small business owners because it is satisfying to help people achieve their dreams. Recently, I’ve been talking to new referrals and been reminded that I have […]

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