Archive | Book Reviews

A New Model of Transportation

Last week, I provided a book review of Autonomy—The Quest to Build the Driverless Car—And How it Will Reshape Our World. This week, I’m following up with what this might actually look like. First, it should be stated that the traditional car companies are all working on this, but they are behind the tech companies, […]

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Book Review: Autonomy

The subtitle of this books explains what Autonomy is all about: The Quest to Build the Driverless Car—and How it Will Reshape Our World. The author of the book is Lawrence Burns with Christopher Shulgan as the co-author. Published in 2018, the book tells the story about how we’ve gotten to where we are now, […]

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Book Review: The Big Short

The Big Short, subtitled Inside the Doomsday Machine, was written by Michael Lewis in 2010. The book is about the financial mess suffered as a result of the subprime mortgage meltdown in 2005-2008. Lewis is one of my favorite authors. He wrote the classic Liar’s Poker, which I still think is one of the best […]

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Book Review: Moonwalking with Einstein

Wouldn’t it be great to have a photographic memory? We’ve all heard of people who have photographic memories, haven’t we? It turns out no one has a photographic memory. No one. I once had a business project where we needed to get people with photographic memories. I talked to a professor at the University of […]

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Book Review: The Written World

In my last blog, I related the story of the candidate for a high-level, executive position, who didn’t read books. I felt this was a character flaw that was so fundamental that I would consider it a disqualifier for the job. To me it indicated the lack of critical thinking. I asked for your thoughts […]

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Book Review: A Higher Loyalty

A Higher Loyalty by James Comey was released on April 17th. I preordered my copy through Amazon and they delivered it on the 17th. I had ‘cleared the decks’ in terms of my reading schedule and dove right in, finishing the book in a week. A couple of comments right up front. First, Donald Trump […]

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Book Review: Internal Time

This book was recommended by Daniel Pink in his book When—The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, the subject of my last blog. Pink had six books he recommended in his Further Reading section. He said of this book, “You’ll learn more from this smart, concise work—organized into twenty-four chapters to represent the twenty-four hours of […]

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Book Review: The American Spirit

It has been over a year since the presidential election and I’m distressed. Not because Congress can’t get anything done. I’m fine with that, in fact, I prefer it when politicians get little done. No, what distresses me the most is the incivility of the political discourse and the lack of reason. I prefer when […]

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