Working With People

Three things right upfront: Most of my topics come from experiences. When I note a pattern, I tend to write about it. I try to limit the topics to business subjects and avoid personal stuff. We are all people and we work with people. And people have personal challenges that can’t help but affect their […]

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Private Capital Markets

I recently attended a weekend event for business owners at Semiahmoo. I was one of the sponsors of the event and made a presentation on Private Capital Markets. Much of the academic support for the presentation came from ‘Private Capital Markets’ by Robert Slee. This book is the foremost piece of scholarship on the topic. […]

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New Entity Choices: LLLPs and SPCs

Most of us are familiar with the various choices for the type of business entity. Traditionally there have been proprietorships, general partnerships, limited partnerships and corporations. About 25 years ago limited liability companies (LLCs) were added and they have been a very popular choice. In 2012, the Washington State legislature provided us with two new […]

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(Lack of) Attention Span

What has happened to our attention spans? Has our busy world shrunk them to the point where we can’t concentrate but for a few moments? Are we all like hyperactive children with caffeine doing for us what sugar does for kids? Has Twitter convinced us that any thought can be expressed in 120 characters or […]

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The Difference Between a Controller and a CFO

Often I get involved in the hiring of accounting staff for clients. This can be an accounting clerk, a specialized accountant (such as payroll or accounts payable), a full-charge bookkeeper, a degreed accountant or a Controller. All of these positions I consider part of the accounting staff and are involved with the accounting records. These […]

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To Sell is Human

Daniel Pink has written another thought provoking business book. His past efforts include Free Agent Nation, Drive and A Whole New Mind. Pink and Malcolm Gladwell seem to have the Midas touch as authors. Both make a point with their books that is backed up with research to support that point. Plus, both are master […]

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In Praise of Profit

The most popular business books seem to be on the “soft” topics. Things like managing people, setting your BHAG/mission/vision/values, creating happy employees; stuff like that. I’m an avid reader of this kind of stuff. But, at a certain point, don’t all of us as business people have get on with it and make money? Charlie […]

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What Business Are You Really In? Who Are Your Bees?

During the course of business planning, did you or any of your advisers ask, “What business are you really in?” A few years ago I was touring wineries in Eastern Washington. These weren’t “foo foo” wineries with beautiful buildings and perfectly tended rows of vines. This particular winery was down a dirt road, through the vineyard, that […]

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