Bidnes Cummunication is sooo impotent, it is literally won of the most impotent tings eye cann commiserate to you! Your judged ever day by you’re writin & oral communications. Literally. “It is sooo important that that I cant overemphasize it enuf”. The interwebs havent improoved this stuff any; and dont git me goin on twutter!!! […]
Book Review: Win Forever—Live, Work and Play Like a Champion, By Pete Carroll with Yogi Roth
I’m not a big sports fan and I’m certainly not a fan of athletes as heroes. But I’ve been intrigued by Pete Carroll of the Seahawks. I read that he views his job as making everyone in the Seahawks organization the best they can be. That’s how I view the job of any business manager. […]
Main Street Loans for Small Businesses and Middle Market Companies
While the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans have gotten lots of publicity, lost in the shuffle is another new loan program from the federal government meant to help during the pandemic. It is called the Main Street Lending Program (MSLP). While the Small Business Administration has long made available a variety of loan programs and […]
PPP Loan Extension and The Virus is Winning
PPP Loan Extension Most of the questions I’m getting about PPP loans relate to when can one apply for forgiveness. I’ve been telling everyone I don’t know, mostly because I didn’t know. The SBA hasn’t opened their portal to accept Loan Forgiveness Application Forms. But last Friday announced the portal will open August 10th. That’s […]
The Latest on PPP Loans
PPP Loan Forgiveness Update We are now past the point of the eight-week “covered period” for those who received PPP loans early in the process. Many will elect the 24-week period now available as an option, but for those who wish to stay with the eight-week period, it should be time to apply for loan […]
The Pandemic Express—Venturing Out
After months of mostly staying home and working from my home office, we took a family vacation during the last week of June and the first couple of days of July. The idea was to fly to Las Vegas and use that as our jumping off point to visit the national parks of Utah. The […]
The New Abnormal
As we slowly crawl out of the stay-at-home orders and gradually bring the economy back, using the governor’s four-phase plan, we can begin to speculate about how our lives are going to be different. And speculation it is, since the future is uncertain. Let’s think about what we know: The lockdowns have been effective in […]
PPP Loan Forgiveness Accounting and Tax Treatments
As of June 12, 2020, the SBA had approved 4,566,440 PPP loans for $512,016,791,046, an average loan size of $112,126 through 5,456 lenders. That is a lot of priming of the economic pump. We’re now at the point of some of the early borrowers applying for forgiveness of their loans, assuming they are electing the […]
My 47th Interim Final Blog
The Paycheck Protection Program loans continue to confuse and amuse. I’ve been spending a lot of quality time with the June 1, 2020, Interim Final Rule, as published in the Federal Register. This isn’t the first Interim Final Rule, in fact, there are lots of them. Why don’t they just call them “Interim Rules” until […]
PPP Loan News
Yes, you’re probably as tired as I am of hearing about PPP loans. But there is news in the last week; lots of news. It seems the loan fairies at the SBA have been busy. And some of the news is good! Necessary I my recent blogs lamented the lack of clarity around the work […]